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- A. J. W. Hendy, 2020 - Unpublished taxonomic backbone for Eastern Pacific Invertebrate Communities of the Cenozoic (EPICC) Thematic Collections Network - (), - (unpublished, English)
- I. M. Hausmann, 2020 - Late Triassic invertebrate assemblages from tropical marine basins near Lake Misurina (Dolomites, Italy) - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (), - (unpublished, English)
- S. Dominici, 2020 - Paleobiology from Museum collections: comparing historical and novel data on Upper Miocene molluscs of the Livorno Hills - Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e Stratigrafia (126), 65-109 (journal article, English)
- P. J. Wagner, 2020 - Paleozoic Gastropod, Rostroconch, Helcionelloid and Tergomyan Database (2006 - 2020) - (), - (compendium, English)
- S. van de Velde, 2019 - The Late Pleistocene mollusk fauna of Selitrennoye (Astrakhan province, Russia): A natural baseline for endemic Caspian Sea faunas - Journal of Great Lakes Research (XXX), XXX-XXX (journal article, English)
- A. Rojas, 2018 - Taphonomy of the Late Pleistocene marine molluscan assemblages from Uruguay - Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen (289), 217-235 (journal article, English)
- A. Nützel, 2018 - Systematic paleontology, in An Early Triassic (Dienerian) microgastropod assemblage from the Salt Range, Pakistan and its implication for gastropod recovery from the end-Permian mass extinction - Bulletin of Geosciences (93), 56-70 (journal article, English)
- B. Salvat, 2018 - Pleistocene mollusc assemblage in the slightly raised atoll lagoonof Niau (Tuamotu, French Polynesia) - Paläontologische Gesellschaft (), - (journal article, English)
- F. Hybertsen, 2018 - A middle Eocene seep deposit with silicified fauna from the Humptulips Formation in western Washington State, USA - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (63), 751-768 (journal article, English)
- T. J. Devries, 2018 - Early Paleogene brackish-water molluscs from the Caballas Formation of the East Pisco Basin (Southern Peru) - Journal of Natural History (), - (journal article, English)
- T. A. Darragh, 2017 - Further Mollusca from the late Eocene Pallinup Formation, Eucla Basin, Western Australia - Records of the Western Australian Museum (32), 29-100 (journal article, English)
- S. N. Raisossadat, 2016 - Lower Cretaceous gastropods from the Qayen area, Eastern Iran - Geobios (49), 293-301 (journal article, English)
- O. Mandic, 2015 - Stratigraphic and palaeogeographic significance of lacustrine molluscs from the Pliocene Viviparus beds in central Croatia - Geologia Croatica (68), 179-207 (journal article, English)
- A. Nützel, 2014 - Diversity, palaeoecology and systematics of a marine fossil assemblage from the Late Triassic Cassian Formation at Settsass Scharte, N Italy - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (88), 405-431 (journal article, English)
- D. Gendry, 2014 - Deux paléontologues berrichons : André Émile Benoist (1845-1904) et l’abbé Alexis Delaunay (1867-1946), et leur contribution à l’étude du Bathonien de Saint-Gaultier (Indre, France) - Symbioses (33), 1-16 (journal article, English)
- S. K. Tan, 2014 - Singapore Mollusca: 4. The family Amathinidae (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Pyramidelloidea) - Nature in Singapore (7), 9-13 (journal article, English)
- B. W. Lauridsen, 2014 - A catalogue of Danian gastropods from the Baunekule facies, Faxe Formation, Denmark - Geological Survey of Denmark & Greenland Bulletin (32), 1-117 (journal article, English)
- G. Haszprunar, 2014 - A nomenclator of extant and fossil taxa of the Valvatidae (Gastropoda, Ectobranchia) - ZooKeys (377), 1-172 (journal article, English)
- C. Schulbert, 2013 - Gastropods from the Early/Middle Jurassic transition of Franconia (southern Germany) - Bulletin of Geosciences (88), 723-778 (journal article, English)
- M. C. Perrilliat, 2013 - Late Paleocene Architectonicidae (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia) from Baja California, Mexico - Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas (30), 178-185 (journal article, English)
- C. S. Cataldo, 2012 - A new Early Cretaceous nerineoid gastropod from Argentina and its palaeobiogeographic and palaeoecological implications - Cretaceous Research (), - (journal article, English)
- J. Gründel, 2012 - The gastropods from the Barremian of Serre de Bleyton (Drôme, SE France) - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A (115), 89-165 (journal article, English)
- M. C. Perrilliat, 2011 - Moluscos de la Formación Agueguexquite (Plioceno inferior) de Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, México - Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas (28), 379-397 (journal article, English)
- M. Harzhauser, 2011 - A late Burdigalian bathyal mollusc fauna from the Vienna Basin (Slovakia) - Geologica Carpathica (62), 211-231 (journal article, English)
- B. Landau, 2010 - Early Pliocene gastropods of Cubagua, Venezuela: Taxonomy, palaeobiogeography and ecostratigraphy - Palaeontos (19), 1-221 (journal article, English)
- V. V. Gulbin, 2009 - Review of the Shell-bearing Gastropods in the Russian Waters of the East Sea (Sea of Japan). IV. Heterobranchia - The Korean Journal of Malacology (25), 71-79 (journal article, English)
- L. Dolin, 2009 - Les Cypraeoidea et Velutinoidea (Mollusca, Caenogastropoda) du Lutétien inférieur du Vicentin et du Véronais (nord-est de l’Italie) - Revue de Paléobiologie, Genève (28), 277-314 (journal article, English)
- A. G. Beu, 2009 - Revised descriptions of New Zealand Cenozoic Mollusca from Beu and Maxwell (1990) - GNS Science miscellaneous series (27), - (serial monograph, English)
- M. Harzhauser, 2009 - Oligocene and Early Miocene gastropods from Kutch (NW India) document an early biogeographic switch from Western Tethys to Indo-Pacific - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (83), 333-372 (journal article, English)
- A. J. W. Hendy, 2008 - Unpublished census data from Atlantic coastal plain and circum-Caribbean Neogene assemblages and taxonomic opinions - (), - (unpublished, English)
- R. Marquet, 2008 - The molluscan fauna of the Borgloon Formation in Belgium (Rupelian, Early Oligocene) - Palaeontos (12), 1-99 (serial monograph, English)
- A. J. W. Hendy, 2007 - Circum-Pacific Late Cenozoic Paleobiogeography: Consideration of latitudinal gradients, provincialism and beta diversity (Unpublished taxonomic opinions) - (), - (unpublished, English)
- G. Wienrich, 2007 - Die Fauna des marinen Miozäns von Kevelaer (Niederrhein). Band 4 Gastropoda ab Mitridae - Backhuys Publishers BV Leiden (4), 643-954 (serial monograph, German)
- F. P. Wesselingh, 2006 - Molluscs from the Miocene Pebas Formation of Peruvian and Colombian Amazonia - Scripta Geologica (133), 19-290 (journal article, English)
- S. Kiel, 2006 - Gastropoda aus dem Mittelsanton (Oberkreide) von Lengede (Niedersachsen) - Braunschweiger Naturkundliche Schriften (7), 677-696 (journal article, German)
- S Kiel, 2006 - New and little-known gastropods from the Albian of the Mahajanga Basin, northwestern Madagascar - Journal of Paleontology (80), 455-476 (journal article, English)
- M. D. Perrilliat, 2006 - Lower Eocene Gastropods from El Bosque Formation, Central Chiapas, Mexico - The Veliger (48), 151-169 (journal article, English)
- A. Alejandrino, 2006 - Phylogeny and biogeography of the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific Hypselodoris Stimpson, 1855 (Nudibranchia, Chromodorididae) with the description of a new species from the Caribbean Sea - Journal of Molluscan Studies (72), 189-198 (journal article, English)
- G. Rosenberg, 2006 - A Biotic Database of Indo-Pacific Marine Mollusks - (), - (unpublished, English)
- S. Gordillo, 2005 - Quaternary molluscan faunas from the island of Tierra de Fuega after the Last Glacial Maximum - Scientia Marina (69), 337-348 (journal article, English)
- G. Rosenberg, 2005 - Malacolog 4.0: A database of Western Atlantic marine Mollusca - [WWW database (version 4.1.0)] URL http://data.acnatsci.org/wasp (), - (unpublished, English)
- R. Bieler, 2005 - Catalogue of Recent and fossil taxa of the family Architectonicidae Gray, 1850 (Mollusca: Gastropoda) - Zootaxa (1101), 1-119 (journal article, English)
- N. Vandenberghe, 2005 - Stratigraphic interpretation of the Neogene marine-continental record in the Maaseik well (49W0220) in the Roer Valley Graben, NE Belgium - Memoirs of the Geological Survey of Belgium (52), 1-39 (serial monograph, English)
- P. Bouchet, 2005 - A nomenclator and classification of gastropod family-group names - Malacologia (47), 1-368 (journal article, English)
- F. Roth, 2005 - The Marine Gram Formation at Gram, Denmark: Late Miocene Geology and Palaeontology - Palaeontos (7), 1-189 (journal article, English)
- L. R. L. Simone, 2004 - A new Orbitestella (Gastropoda: Heterobranchia: Orbitestellidae) from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina - The Nautilus (118), 160-166 (journal article, English)
- C. J. del Rio, 2004 - Tertiary Marine Molluscan Assemblages of Eastern Patagonia (Argentina): A Biostratigraphic Analysis - Journal of Paleontology (78), 1097-1122 (journal article, English)
- A. Kaim, 2004 - The evolution of conch ontogeny in Mesozoic open sea gastropods - Palaeontologia Polonica (62), 183pp- (serial monograph, English)
- M. Harzhauser, 2004 - Oligocene gastropod faunas for the Eastern Mediterranean (Mesohellenic Trough/Greece and Esfahan-Sirjan Basin/Central Iran) - Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (248), 93-181 (journal article, English)
- P. Jeffery, 2003 - GastroClass: Gastropod Classification Website - (), - (unpublished, English)
- O. Mandic, 2003 - Computer-based mollusc stratigraphy - a case study from the Eggenburgian (Lower Miocene) type region (NE Austria) - Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology (197), 263-291 (journal article, English)
- W. Kiessling, 2003 - Personal data - (), - (unpublished, English)
- M. A. Kosnik, 2002 - personal opinion. - (), - (unpublished, )
- J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
- J.-C. Fischer, 2002 - Sinemurian gastropods from Monte Cucco (Umbria-Marche Apennines, Central Italy) - Geobios (32), 441-456 (journal article, French)
- M. Harzhauser, 2002 - Sarmatian (Late Middle Miocene) Gastropod Assemblages of the Central Paratethys - Facies (46), 57-82 (journal article, English)
- J. A. Todd, 2001 - Systematic list of gastropods in the Panama Paleontology Project collections - (), - (unpublished, English)
- P. Lozouet, 2001 - Révision des Gastropoda (Mollusca) du stratotype de L'Aquitanien (Miocéne inf.) site de Saucats "Lariey", Gironde, France - Cossmanniana (8), 1-189 (journal article, English)
- K. I. Schnetler, 2001 - The Selandian (Paleocene) mollusc fauna from Copenhagen, Denmark: the Poul Harder 1920 collection - Geology of Denmark Survey Bulletin (37), 1-85 (journal article, )
- S. Kiel, 2001 - Taxonomy and Biogeography of Late Cretaceous Gastropoda - (), 1-162 (Ph.D. thesis, English)
- J. Frýda, 2001 - The oldest known heterobranch gastropod, Kuskokwimia gen. nov., from the Early Devonian of west-cetnral Alaska, with notes on the early phylogeny of higher gastropods - Bulletin of the Czech Geological Survey (76), 39-53 (journal article, )
- J. J. van Aartsen, 1998 - Pyramidellidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Heterobranchia) collected during the Dutch CANCAP and MAURITANIA expeditions in the south-eastern part of the North Atlantic Ocean (part 1) - Zoologische Verhandelingen (321), 1-57 (journal article, English)
- L. R. Saul, 1998 - New Cretaceous Gastropoda from California - Palaeontology (41), 461-488 (journal article, English)
- P. L. Beesley, 1998 - Mollusca: the southern synthesis - Fauna of Australia (5), - (serial monograph, English)
- J. Wieczorek, 1998 - Nerineaceans from the Ernstbrunn Limestone (Tithonian, Austria) - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien (99A), 311-329 (journal article, English)
- J. Gründel, 1998 - Heterostropha (Gastropoda) aus dem Dogger Norddeutschlands und Nordpolens. II. Weitere Allogastropoda - Freiberger Forschungsheft C 474, Paläontologie, Stratigraphie, Fazies (6), 1-37 (serial monograph, German)
- P. Lozouet, 1998 - Nouvelles espéces de gastéropodes (Mollusca: Gastropoda) de L'Oligocéne et di Miocéne inférieur de"Aquitaine (sud-ouest de la France) - Cossmanniana (5), 61-102 (journal article, French)
- H. A. Kollmann, 1997 - Diptyxis Oppenheim (Nerineacea, Gastropoda) from the Lower Cretaceous of Albania. On the distribution of the genus Diptyxis - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums Wien, A (98), 17-33 (journal article, English)
- A. Nützel, 1997 - Gastropoden aus dem Amaltheenton (oberes Pliensbachium) von Kalchreuth - Geologische Blätter von Nordost-Bayern (70), 381-414 (journal article, German)
- P. Jeffery, 1997 - The Early Eocene London Clay Formation mollusc fauna of the former Bursledon Brickworks, Lower Swanwick, Hampshire - Tertiary Research (17), 75-137 (, )
- W.F. Ponder, 1997 - Towards a phylogeny of gastropod molluscs: an analysis using morphological characters - Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society (119), 83-265 (journal article, English)
- R. Marquet, 1997 - Pliocene gastropod faunas from Kallo (Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgium) - Part 2. Caenogastropoda: Potamididae-Tornidae - Contributions to Tertiary and Quaternary Geology (34), 9-29 (journal article, English)
- K. Bandel, 1996 - Some heterostrophic gastropods from Triassic St. Cassian Formation with a discussion on the classification of the Allogastropoda - Paläontologische Zeitschrift (70), 325-365 (journal article, English)
- J. B. Wise, 1996 - Petitilla, new name for Petitella Wise, 1996, a preoccupied name (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Pyramidellidae) - The Nautilus (110), 76- (journal article, English)
- P. Jensen, 1996 - - Common Seashells of Coastal Northern Queensland (), - (book/book chapter, )
- R. L. Squires, 1996 - New species of small to minute gastropods of Early Eocene age from the Crescent Formation, Black Hills, Southwest Washington - The Veliger (39), 226-240 (journal article, English)
- B. E. Buitrón-Sánchez, 1995 - Mollusk gastropods in a Lower Cretaceous rudist-bearing formation of Jalisco, west central Mexico - Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Geológicas (12), 157-169 (journal article, English)
- G. Sirna, 1995 - The nerineids: taxonomy, stratigraphy and paleoecology with particular referencess to Italian examples - Geologica Romana (31), 285-305 (journal article, English)
- J.-M. Pacaud, 1995 - Révision des Mollusques Paléogénes du Bassin de Paris. IV - Liste systématique actualisée - Cossmanniana (3), 155-187 (journal article, English)
- L.B. Il'ina, 1994 - New Marine Gastropods from the Tarkhan-Konka of Eastern Paratethys - Paleontological Journal (28), 27-42 (journal article, )
- W. P. Elder, 1993 - Paleogeographic implications of molluscan assemblages in the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pigeon Point Formation, California - Mesozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States - II. Pacific Section SEPM Book (71), 171-186 (book chapter, English)
- D. T. Dockery, 1993 - The Streptoneuran gastropods, exclusive of the Stenoglossa, of the coffee sand (Campanian) of Northeastern Mississippi - Bulletin (Mississippi Office of Geology) (129), 1-191 (, )
- L. Marincovich, Jr., 1993 - Danian Mollusks from the Prince Creek Formation, Northern Alaska, and implications for arctic ocean paleogeography - Journal of Paleontology Memoir (67), 1-35 (serial monograph, English)
- N. I. Lyssenko, 1992 - Novom podotriade nehneid (Gastropody). [On a new suborder of nerineids (Gastropoda)] - Paleontologicheskii Zhurnal (1992), 17-22 (journal article, Russian)
- J. D. Stilwell, 1992 - Molluscan Systematics and Biostratigraphy - Antarctic Research Series, AGU (55), - (serial monograph, English)
- R. L. Squires, 1992 - Paleontology of the Eocene Bateque Formation, Baja California Sur, Mexico - Contributions in Science (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County) (434), 1-55 (, )
- G. W. Kendrick, 1990 - A Pleistocene molluscan fauna with Anadara trapezia (Deshayes) (Bivalvia: Arcoida) from the Dampier Limestone of Shark Bay, Western Australia - Report of the France-Australe Bicentenary Expedition Committee: Research in Shark Bay (), 33-48 (journal article, English)
- A. G. Beu, 1990 - Cenozoic Mollusca of New Zealand - New Zealand Geological Survey Paleontological Bulletin (58), - (serial monograph, )
- E. Robba, 1989 - Early Pleistocene gastropods from Timor - Memorie di Scienze Geologiche (31), 61-113 (journal article, English)
- K. C.. Vaught, 1989 - - A classification of the living Mollusca (), 1-195 (book/book chapter, English)
- E. J. Petuch, 1988 - - Neogene History of Tropical American Mollusks (), 1-217 (book/book chapter, English)
- W. F. Ponder, 1988 - Appendix: classification of the Caenogastropoda and Heterostropha - a list of the family-group names and higher taxa - Malacological Review (Suppl. 4), 288-326 (journal article, English)
- A. B. Smith, 1988 - Palaeontology of the 1985 Geotraverse, Lhasa to Golmud - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A (327), 53-105 (journal article, English)
- L. W. Ward, 1987 - Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Mollusca from the James City and Chowan River Formations at Lee Creek Mine - Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology (61), 113-283 (serial monograph, English)
- R. L. Squires, 1987 - Eocene molluscan paleontology of the Whitaker Peak area, Los Angeles and Ventura counties, California - Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (388), 1-93 (journal article, English)
- M.C. Perrilliat, 1987 - Gasteropodos y un cefalopodo de la formacion Ferrotepec (Mioceno Medio) de Michoacan - Paleontologia Mexicana (52), 1-58 (serial monograph, Spanish)
- A. Makowska, 1986 - Morza plejstocenskie w Polsce; osady, wiek i paleogeografia [Pleistocene seas in Poland; sediments, age and paleogeography] - Prace Instytutu Geologicznego (120), 74- (serial monograph, other)
- E. A. Farinati, 1985 - Paleontologia de los sedimentos marinos holocenos de los alrededores de Bahia Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires - Ameghiniana (21), 211-222 (journal article, English)
- R. L. Batten, 1985 - Gastropods and chitons from Perak, Malaysia. Part 3: the murchisoniids, cerithiids, loxonematids, and subulitids - American Museum Novitates (2829), 1-40 (serial monograph, English)
- T. Kase, 1984 - - Early Cretaceous marine and brackish-water Gastropoda from Japan (), 1-262 (book/book chapter, English)
- A. C. Janse, 1983 - The mollusc fauna of the Stemerdink Bed (Miocene, Reinbekian) from outcrops in the Slinge brook at Winterswijk-Brinkheurne (The Netherlands, province of Gelderland) - (20), 105-140 (journal article, English)
- M. R. Cooper, 1982 - Lower Cretaceous (Middle Albian) ammonites from Dombe Grande, Angola - Annals of the South African Museum (89), 265-314 (journal article, English)
- H. S. Ladd, 1982 - Cenozoic fossil mollusks from Western Pacific Islands; Gastropods (Volutidae through Terebridae) - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (1171), 1-100 (serial monograph, English)
- D. Frassinetti, 1981 - Architectonicidae en la Formacion Navidad, Mioceno, Chile central. Parte 1. Heliacinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda) - Revista Geológica de Chile (13-14), 35-47 (journal article, Spanish)
- C. S. Hickman, 1980 - Paleogene Marine Gastropods of the Keasey Formation in Oregon - Bulletins of American Paleontology (78), 1-112 (, )
- A. Parnes, 1980 - Lower Jurassic (Liassic) Invertebrates from Makhtesh Ramon (Negev, Southern Israel) - Israel Journal of Earth-Sciences (29), 107-113 (journal article, English)
- J. Wieczorek, 1979 - Upper Jurassic nerineacean gastropods from the Holy Cross Mountains (Poland) - Acta Palaeontologica Polonica (24), 299-350 (journal article, English)
- T. J. Palmer, 1979 - The Hampen Marly and White Limestones Formations: Florida-type carbonate lagoons in the Jurassic of central England - Palaeontology (22), 189-228 (journal article, )
- F. Etayo-Serna, 1979 - La fauna de moluscos del Paleoceno de Colombia. Moluscos de una capa del Paleoceno de Manatial (Guajira) - Boletín de Geología (13), 5-55 (journal article, Spanish)
- G. Alencaster, 1977 - Moluscos y braquiopodos del Jurasico superior de Chiapas [Upper Jurassic molluscs and brachiopods from Chiapas] - Revista mexicana de ciencias geologicas (1), 151-166 (journal article, Spanish)
- O. S. Adegoke, 1977 - Stratigraphy and Paleontology of the Ewekoro Formation (Paleocene) of Southwestern Nigeria - Bulletins of American Paleontology (71), 1-379 (, )
- H. Z. Pan, 1977 - Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil Gastropoda from Yunnan - Mesozoic Fossils from Yunnan (2), 83-152 (book chapter, Chinese)
- E. J. Moore, 1976 - Oligocene marine mollusks from the Pittsburg Bluff Formation in Oregon - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (922), 1-66 (journal article, English)
- M. F. Buonaiuto, 1975 - Note on the genus Pseudomalaxis Fischer (Mollusca: Gastropoda) and its fossil species in Australia - Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia (99), 21-29 (journal article, English)
- B. Kensley, 1972 - Pliocene marine invertebrates from Langebaanweg, Cape Province - Annals of the South African Museum (60), 173-190 (, )
- H. S. Ladd, 1972 - Cenozoic fossil mollusks from Western Pacific Islands; Gastropods (Turritellidae through Strombidae) - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (532), 1-79 (serial monograph, )
- M. C. Perrilliat, 1972 - Monografia de los Moluscos del Mioceno Medio de Santa Rosa, Verazruz, Mexico - Paleontologia Mexicana (32), 1-130 (serial monograph, Spanish)
- W. P. Woodring, 1970 - Geology and paleontology of canal zone and adjoing parts of Panama: Description of Tertiary mollusks (gastropods: Eulimidae, Marginellidae to Helminthoglyptidae). - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (306), 299-452 (serial monograph, )
- C. R. Ronchetti, 1970 - New contributions to the knowledge of the Jurassic fauna of Karkar (Northeast Afghanistan) - Ital. Expedit., Karakorum (K2) Hindu Kush, Scientific Reports IV, Paleontology – Zoology – Botany (2), 43-74 (journal article, English)
- T. A. Darragh, 1970 - Catalogue of Australian Tertiary Mollusca (except chitons) - Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria (31), 125-212 (compendium, English)
- W.O. Addicott, 1970 - Miocene Gastropods and Biostratigraphy of the Kern River Area, California - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (642), 1-172 (journal article, English)
- W. Reiner, 1968 - Callovian gastropods from Hamakhtesh Hagadol (southern Israel) - Israel Journal of Earth Sciences (17), 171-198 (journal article, English)
- J. Wendt, 1968 - Discohelix (Archaeogastropoda, Euomphalacea) as an index fossil in the Tethyan Jurassic - Palaeontology (11), 554-575 (journal article, English)
- H. L. Abbass, 1967 - A monograph on the Egyptian Paleocene and Eocene gastropods - United Arab Republic, Geological Survey-Geological Museum, Palaeontological Series, Monograph (), 1-154 (serial monograph, English)
- U. Satoru, 1966 - Neogene Molluscan Fauna in Hokkaido : Part III. Description of the Ainonai Fauna Associated with Desmostylus cf. minor Nagao, from Kitami District, East Hokkaido - Contribution from the Department of the Geology and Mineralogy (), - (journal article, English)
- K. V. Palmer, 1966 - Catalogue of the Paleocene and Eocene Mollusks of the Southern and Eastern United States Part II. Gastropoda - Bulletins of American Paleontology (48), 471-1057 (serial monograph, English)
- J. A. Sutherland, 1966 - A new species of Architectonica from the Santa Susana Mountains, Ventura County, California - Los Angeles County Museum Contributions in Science (), 1-4 (serial monograph, English)
- N. F. Sohl, 1965 - Marine Jurassic Gastropods, Central and Southern Utah - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (503-D), D1-D29 (serial monograph, English)
- N. F. Sohl, 1964 - Neogastropoda, Opisthobranchia, and Basommatophora from the Ripley, Owl Creek, and Prairie Bluff Formations - US Geological Survey Professional Paper (331), 153-344 (, )
- M. E. J. Chandler, 1962 - The Lower Tertiary Floras of Southern England. II. Flora of the Pipe-Clay Series of Dorset (Lower Bagshot) - British Museum (Natural History) London (), 1-176 (book/book chapter, English)
- N. F. Sohl, 1960 - Archeogastropoda, Mesogastropoda and stratigraphy of the Ripley, Owl Creek, and Prairie Bluff Formations - US Geological Survey Professional Paper (331), 1-151 (, )
- F. S. MacNeil, 1960 - Tertiary and Quaternary Gastropoda of Okinawa: A comparison of the late Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene Gastropoda of Okinawa with related faunas of East Asia together with a resume of the geological setting of the fossiliferous deposits - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (339), 1-148 (journal article, English)
- W. P. Woodring, 1959 - Geology and paleontology of Canal Zone and adjoining parts of Panama: Description of Tertiary mollusks (gastropods: Vermetidae to Thaididae) - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (306), 147-239 (serial monograph, )
- F. M. Anderson, 1958 - Upper Cretaceous of the Pacific Coast - Geological Society of America Memoir (71), 1-378 (serial monograph, English)
- R. Rivera, 1957 - Moluscos fosiles de la Formacion Paracas, Dpto. de Ica - Sociedad Geologica del Peru Primer Congreso Nacional de Geologia Anales - Parte II (32), 165-219 (journal article, English)
- F. E. Eames, 1952 - A contribution to the study of the Eocene in Western Pakistan and Western India: C. The description of the Scaphopoda and Gastropoda from standard sections in the Rakhi Nala and Zindar Pir areas of the Western Punjab and in the Kohat District - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B (236), 1-168 (journal article, English)
- W. P. Woodring, 1950 - Geology and paleontology of the Santa Maria District California - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (222), - (serial monograph, )
- J. R. Gardner, 1947 - The Molluscan Fauna of the Alum Bluff Group of Florida - United States Geological Survey Professional Paper (), 1-709 (serial monograph, English)
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