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Gaeabionta  ⇒ Domäne: Eukaryota  ⇒ Reich: Animalia  ⇒ Mittelreich: Eumetazoa  ⇒ Klade: Triploblastica  ⇒ Klade: Nephrozoa  ⇒ Abzweig: Deuterostomia  ⇒ Stamm: Chordata  ⇒ Unterstamm: Vertebrata  ⇒ Infrastamm: Gnathostomata  ⇒ Superklasse: Tetrapoda  ⇒ Klasse: Mammalia  ⇒ Unterklasse: Theriiformes  ⇒ Infraklasse: Holotheria  ⇒ Superlegion: Trechnotheria  ⇒ Legion: Cladotheria  ⇒ Sublegion: Zatheria  ⇒ Infralegion: Tribosphenida  ⇒ Superkohorte: Theria  ⇒ Kohorte: Placentalia  ⇒ Superklasse: Euarchontoglires  ⇒ Klasse: Glires  ⇒ Ordnung: Rodentia  ⇒ Überfamilie: Sciuroidea

Taxo­no­mie Stufe


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Gray, 1821

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Startalter: 40.4 Ma - Endalter: 0 Ma
Oberes Pleistozän
Mittleres Pleistozän
Unteres Pleistozän

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Motilität: aktiv mobil
Umweltbedingungen: landgebunden (terrestrisch)

Fruchtfresser (frugivore)

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Referenzen von PBDB, Lizenz: CC BY

  • I. Ferrusquia-Villafranca, 2018 - New Eocene rodents from Northwestern Oaxaca, Southeastern Mexico, and their paleobiological significance - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (), e1514- (journal article, English)
  • O. Maridet, 2014 - New discoveries of Sciurids (Rodentia, Mammalia) from the Valley of Lakes (Central Mongolia) - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A (116), 271-291 (journal article, English)
  • M. Vianey-Liaud, 2014 - A new early late Oligocene (MP 26) continental vertebrate fauna from Saint-Privat-des-Vieux (Alès Basin, Gard, Southern France) - Geodiversitas (36), 565-622 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Korth, 2014 - Rodents (Mammalia) from the Whitneyan (Middle Oligocene) Cedar Pass Fauna of South Dakota - Annals of Carnegie Museum (82), 373-398 (journal article, English)
  • M. A. O'Leary, 2013 - The placental mammal ancestor and the post–K-Pg radiation of placentals - Science (339), 662-667 (journal article, English)
  • J. Alroy, 2010 - Stop the madness - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • M. Vianey-Liaud, 2009 - Diversité, datation et paléoenvironnement de la faune de mammifères oligocène de Cavalé (Quercy, SO France) : contribution de l’analyse morphométrique des Theridomyinae (Mammalia, Rodentia) - Geodiversitas (31), 909-941 (journal article, French)
  • S. D. Webb, 2008 - Terrestrial mammals of the Palmetto Fauna (early Pliocene, latest Hemphillian) from the Central Florida Phosphate District - Geology and Vertebrate Paleontology of Western and Southern North America: Contributions in Honor of David P. Whistler (), 293-312 (book chapter, English)
  • R. J. Emry, 2007 - A new genus of squirrel (Rodentia, Sciuridae) from the mid-Cenozoic of North America - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (27), 693-698 (journal article, English)
  • F. G. Hayes, 2007 - Magnetostratigraphy and paleontology of Wagner Quarry, (late Oligocene, early Arikareean) basal Arikaree Group of the Pine Ridge region, Dawes County, Nebraska - Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History (47), 1-48 (journal article, English)
  • B.-Y. Wang, 2005 - New Oligocene sciurids and aplodontids (Rodentia, Mammalia) from Mongolia - Vertebrata PalAsiatica (43), 85-99 (journal article, English)
  • K. Vasileiadou, 2005 - The micromammals from the Early/Middle Miocene locality of Antonios, Chalkidiki, Greece - Annales de Paléontologie (91), 197-225 (journal article, English)
  • R. J. Emry, 2005 - A tree squirrel (Rodentia, Sciuridae, Sciurini) from the late Miocene (Clarendonian) of Nevada - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (25), 228-235 (journal article, English)
  • B. Minjin, 2004 - An Oligocene sciurid from the Hsanda Gol Formation, Mongolia - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (24), 753-756 (journal article, English)
  • B.-Y. Wang, 2004 - Discovery of early Oligocene mammalian fossils from Danghe area, Gansu, China - Vertebrata PalAsiatica (42), 130-143 (journal article, Chinese)
  • J. E. Storer, 2004 - A Middle Pleistocene (late Irvingtonian) mammalian fauna from Thistle Creek, Klondike Goldfields region of Yukon Territory, Canada - Paludicola (4), 137-150 (journal article, English)
  • J. M. Mercer, 2003 - The effects of Cenozoic global change on squirrel phylogeny - Science (299), 1568-1572 (journal article, English)
  • N. J. Czaplewski, 2002 - A Pleistocene tapir and associated mammals from the southwestern Ozark Highland - (64), 97-107 (journal article, English)
  • J. Alroy, 2002 - Synonymies and reidentifications of North American fossil mammals - (), - (unpublished, English)
  • H. T. Goodwin, 2002 - Spermophilus elegans (Rodentia, Sciuridae) from the middle Pleistocene of Colorado and the origin of the Spermophilus richardsonii group - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (22), 182-185 (journal article, English)
  • C. Montgelard, 2002 - Molecular systematics of Sciurognathi (Rodentia): the mitochondrial cytochrome b and 12S rRNA genes support the Anomaluroidea (Pedetidae and Anomaluridae) - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (22), 220-233 (journal article, English)
  • A. R. Tedrow, 2001 - Early Hemphillian (late Miocene) sciurid rodents (Mammalia) from southeastern Idaho - Paludicola (3), 80-94 (journal article, English)
  • A. J. Piaggio, 2001 - Molecular phylogeny of the chipmunks inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b and cytochrome oxidase II gene sequences - Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution (20), 335-350 (journal article, English)
  • P. Pelaez-Campomanes, 2001 - Revision of the Aragonian (Miocene) Atlantoxerus (Sciuridae) - Journal of Paleontology (75), 418-426 (journal article, English)
  • R. J. Emry, 2001 - Douglassciurus, new name for Douglassia Emry and Korth, 1996, not Douglassia Bartsch, 1934 - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (21), 400-400 (journal article, English)
  • B. S. Arbogast, 2001 - Evolutionary genetics and Pleistocene biogeography of North American tree squirrels (Tamiascirus) - Journal of Mammalogy (82), 302-319 (journal article, English)
  • T. S. Kelly, 2000 - A new Hemphillian (Late Miocene) mammalian fauna from Hoye Canyon, west central Nevada - Contributions in Science, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (481), 1-21 (serial monograph, English)
  • Z. Qiu, 2000 - The early Pliocene Micromammalian Fauna of Bilike, Inner Mongolia, China (Mammalia: Lipotyphla, Chiroptera, Rodentia, Lagomorpha) - Senckenbergiana lethaea (80), 173-229 (journal article, English)
  • T. Mors, 2000 - Die erst Wirbeltierfauna aus der miozanen Braunkohle der Niederrheinischen Bucht (Ville-Schichten, Tagebau Hambach) [The first vertebrate fauna from the Miocene Ville Series of the Lower Rhine Embayment (Hambach open cast mine, western Germany)] - Paläontologische Zeitschrift (74), 145-170 (journal article, German)
  • A. J. Piaggio, 2000 - Molecular phylogeny of the chipmunk genus Tamias based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit II gene - Journal of Mammalian Evolution (7), 147-166 (journal article, )
  • J. E. Martin, 1998 - Two new sciurids, Eutamias malloryi and Parapaenemarmota (Rodentia), from the late Miocene (Hemphillian) of northern Oregon - Thomas Burke Memorial Washington State Museum Research Report (6), 31-42 (journal article, )
  • W. W. Korth, 1998 - Rodents and lagomorphs (Mammalia) from the Late Clarendonian (Miocene) Ash Hollow Formation, Brown County, Nebraska - Annals of Carnegie Museum (67), 299-348 (journal article, English)
  • H. de Bruijn, 1998 - Vertebrates from the Early Miocene lignite deposits of the opencast mine Oberdorf (Western Styrian Basin, Austria): 6. Rodentia 1 (Mammalia) - Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, Serie A: Mineralogie, Petrologie, Geologie, Paläontologie, Archäozoologie, Anthropologie, Prähistorie (99), 99-137 (journal article, English)
  • R. C. Hulbert, Jr., 1998 - Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) vertebrate faunas from coastal Georgia - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (18), 412-429 (journal article, English)
  • M. C. McKenna, 1997 - - Classification of Mammals Above the Species Level (), 1-640 (book, English)
  • T. S. Kelly, 1997 - Additional Late Cenozoic (latest Hemphillian to earliest Irvingtonian) mammals from Douglas County, Nevada - PaleoBios (18), 1-31 (journal article, English)
  • P. Mein, 1997 - Les mammiferes du gisement miocene inferieure de Li Mae Long, Thailande; Systematique biostratigraphie et paleoenvironment - Geodiversitas (19), 783-844 (journal article, French)
  • M. Pickford, 1997 - Cainozoic mammals from coastal Namaqualand, South Africa - Paleontologia Africana (34), 199-217 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Korth, 1997 - Additonal rodents (Mammalia) from the Clarendonian (Miocene) of northcentral Nebraska and a review of Clarendonian rodent biostratigraphy of that area - Paludicola (1), 97-111 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Dalquest, 1996 - Fossil mammals from a late Miocene (Clarendonian) site in Beaver County, Oklahoma - Miscellaneous Publications of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas (5), 107-137 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Korth, 1996 - A New Genus of Prairie Dog (Sciuridae, Rodentia) From the Miocene (Barstovian of Montana and Clarendonian of Nebraska) and the Classification of Nearctic Ground Squirrels (Marmotini) - Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences (23), 109-113 (journal article, English)
  • R. J. Emry, 1996 - The Chadronian Squirrel "Sciurus" Jeffersoni Douglass, 1901: A New Generic Name, New Material, and Its Bearing on the Early Evolution of Sciuridae (Rodentia) - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (16), - (journal article, English)
  • J. A. Burns, 1996 - Review of Pleistocene zoogeography of prairie dogs (genus Cynomys) in western Canada with notes on their burrow architecture - Palaeoecology and palaeoenvironments of late Cenozoic mammals: Tributes to the career of C.S. (Rufus) Churcher (), 34-53 (book chapter, English)
  • J. F. Sutton, 1995 - Rodents (Mammalia) from the Barstovian (Miocene) Anceney local fauna, Montana - Annals of Carnegie Museum (64), 267-314 (journal article, English)
  • H. T. Goodwin, 1995 - Systematic revision of fossil prairie dogs with descriptions of two new species - University of Kansas Natural History Museum Miscellaneous Publications (86), 1-38 (journal article, English)
  • J. Werner, 1994 - Beiträge zur Biostratigraphie der Unteren Süßwasser-Molasse Süddeutschlands - Rodentia und Lagomorpha (Mammalia) aus den Fundstellen der Ulmer Gegend. - Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie). (200), 1-263 (journal article, German)
  • T. S. Kelly, 1994 - Two Pliocene (Blancan) vertebrate faunas from Douglas County, Nevada - PaleoBios (16), 1-23 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Korth, 1994 - - The Tertiary Record of Rodents in North America (), - (journal article, )
  • D. E. Wilson, 1993 - - Mammal species of the world (), 1-1206 (book, English)
  • W. W. Korth, 1992 - Fossil small mammals from the Harrison Formation (late Arikareean: earliest Miocene), Cherry County, Nebraska - Annals of Carnegie Museum (61), 69-132 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Korth, 1991 - The Skull of Cedromus and a Review of the Cedromurinae (Rodentia, Sciuridae) - Journal of Paleontology (65), 948-994 (journal article, English)
  • T. L. Best, 1990 - Ammospermophilus interpres - Mammalian Species (365), 1-6 (journal article, English)
  • H. de Bruijn, 1989 - Smaller mammals from the Upper Miocene and Lower Pliocene of the Strimon basin, Greece. Part 1. Rodentia and Lagomorpha - Bollettino della Societa Paleontologica Italiana (28), 189-195 (journal article, )
  • A. E. Pratt, 1989 - New Sciuridae (Mammalia: Rodentia) from the Early Miocene Thomas Farm Local Fauna, Florida - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (9), 89-100 (journal article, English)
  • M. R. Voorhies, 1988 - The giant marmot Paenemarmota sawrockensis (new combination) in Hemphillian deposits of northeastern Nebraska - Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences (16), 165-172 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Korth, 1987 - Sciurid rodents (Mammalia) from the Chadronian and Orellan (Oligocene) of Nebraska - Journal of Paleontology (61), 1247-1255 (journal article, English)
  • T. Skwara, 1986 - A New "Flying Squirrel" (Rodentia: Sciuridae) from the Early Miocene of Southwestern Saskatchewan - Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology (6), 290-294 (journal article, English)
  • J. J. Hooker, 1986 - Mammals from the Bartonian (middle/late Eocene) of the Hampshire Basin, southern England - Bulletin of the British Museum (39), 191-478 (journal article, English)
  • E. R. Hall, 1981 - - The Mammals of North America (), 1-1181 (book, English)
  • B. Kurten, 1980 - - Pleistocene mammals of North America (), 1-442 (book, English)
  • A. E. Wood, 1980 - The Oligocene Rodents of North America - Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (70), 1-68 (journal article, English)
  • W. E. Miller, 1980 - The Late Pliocene Las Tunas Local Fauna from Southernmost Baja California, Mexico - Journal of Paleontology (54), 762-805 (journal article, English)
  • B. A. Frase, 1980 - Marmota flaviventris - Mammalian Species (135), 1-8 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Dalquest, 1980 - Late Hemphillian mammals of the Ocote local fauna, Guanajuato, Mexico - Pearce-Sellards Series (32), 1-25 (journal article, English)
  • H. de Bruijn, 1980 - The mammals from the Lower Miocene of Aliveri (Island of Evia, Greece). Part 1. The Sciuridae - Proceedings of the Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B (83), 241-261 (journal article, English)
  • B. Engesser, 1979 - Relationships of some insectivores and rodents from the Miocene of North America and Europe - Bulletin of Carnegie Museum of Natural History (14), 1-68 (journal article, English)
  • E. P. Gustafson, 1978 - The Vertebrate Faunas of the Pliocene Ringold Formation, South-Central Washington - Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon (23), 1-62 (journal article, English)
  • M. T. Antunes, 1977 - Contributions à la paléontologie du Miocène moyen continental du Bassin du Tage, III; Mammifères - Póvoa de Santarém, Pero Filho et Chões (Secorio), Conclusions générales. [Paleontology of the continental middle Miocene of the Tagus Basin, III; Mammals - - Ciencias de Terra (), 143-165 (journal article, French)
  • M. S. Stevens, 1977 - Further study of Castolon Local Fauna (Early Miocene), Big Bend National Park, Texas - The Pearce-Sellards Series (28), 1-69 (journal article, )
  • R. Daams, 1977 - Aragonian Sciuroptera (Sciuridae, Rodentia, Mammalia) from Spain - Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B: Palaeontology, Geology, Physics and Chemistry (80), 356-359 (journal article, English)
  • J. S. Robertson, 1976 - Latest Pliocene mammals from Haile XV A, Alachua County, Florida - Bulletin of the Florida State Museum (20), 1-186 (journal article, English)
  • G. Daxner-Höck, 1975 - Taxonomische Probleme um das Genus Miopetaurista Kretzoi, 1962 (Fam. Sciuridae). - Palaeontologische Zeitschrift (49), 75-77 (journal article, German)
  • R. E. Eshelman, 1975 - - University of Michigan Papers on Paleontology (13), 1-60 (serial monograph, )
  • L. S. Russell, 1972 - Tertiary Mammals of Saskatchewan. Part II: The Oligocene Fauna, Non-Ungulate Orders - Life Science Contribution, Royal Ontario Museum (84), 1-108 (journal article, English)
  • E. H. Lindsay, 1972 - Small mammal fossils from the Barstow Formation, California - University of California Publications in Geological Sciences (93), 1-104 (journal article, English)
  • E. L. Lundelius, Jr., 1972 - Fossil Vertebrates from the Late Pleistocene Ingleside Fauna, San Patricio County, Texas - Bureau of Economic Geology Report of Investigations (77), 1-74 (journal article, English)
  • H. de Bruijn, 1970 - Upper Pliocene Rodentia, Lagomorpha and Insectivora (Mammalia) from the isle of Rhodes (Greece). I, II and III. - Proceedings van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B (73), 535-584 (journal article, English)
  • J. A. Shotwell, 1970 - Pliocene mammals of southeast Oregon and adjacent Idaho - Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon (17), 1-103 (journal article, English)
  • J. A. Shotwell, 1968 - Miocene mammals of southeast Oregon - Bulletin of the Museum of Natural History, University of Oregon (14), 1-67 (journal article, English)
  • H. de Bruijn, 1968 - On the mammalian fauna of the Hipparion-Beds in the Calatayud-Teruel Basin (Prov. Zaragoza, Spain) Part V. The Sciurinae - Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Series B: Palaeontology, Geology, Physics, Chemistry, Anthropology (71), 73-90 (journal article, English)
  • W. W. Dalquest, 1968 - Additional notes on mammals from Mozambique - Journal of Mammalogy (49), 117-121 (journal article, English)
  • D. C. Kent, 1967 - Citellus kimballensis, a new late Pliocene ground squirrel - Bulletin of the Nebraska State Museum (6), 17-26 (journal article, English)
  • V. T. Dào, 1967 - Notes sur une collection de mammiferes de la region de Yen-Bai (Nord-Vietnam) - Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin (43), 117-125 (journal article, French)
  • W. S. Strain, 1966 - Blancan mammalian fauna and Pleistocene formations, Hudspeth County, Texas - Texas Memorial Museum Bulletin (10), 1-55 (journal article, English)
  • G. T. James, 1963 - Paleontology and nonmarine stratigraphy of the Cuyama Valley badlands, California; Part 1, Geology, faunal interpretations, and systematic descriptions of Chiroptera, Insectivora, and Rodentia - University of California Publications in Geological Sciences (45), 1-154 (journal article, )
  • C. C. Black, 1963 - A review of the North American Tertiary Sciuridae - Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (130), 109-248 (journal article, English)
  • C. A. Repenning, 1962 - The Giant Ground Squirrel Paenemarmota - Journal of Paleontology (36), 540-556 (journal article, English)
  • A. E. Wood, 1962 - The Early Tertiary Rodents of the Family Paramyidae - Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (52), 3-261 (journal article, English)
  • M. Green, 1960 - A Tertiary Cynomys from South Dakota - Journal of Paleontology (34), - (journal article, English)
  • J. A. Shotwell, 1956 - Hemphillian mammalian assemblage from northeastern Oregon - Geological Society America Bulletin (67), - (journal article, English)
  • T. Downs, 1956 - The Mascall fauna from the Miocene of Oregon - University of California Publications in Geological Sciences (31), 199-354 (journal article, English)
  • C. W. Hibbard, 1954 - A New Pliocene Vertebrate Fauna From Oklahoma - Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts, and Letters (39), 339-359 (journal article, English)
  • C. W. Hibbard, 1948 - A new Sciurid of Blancan Age from Kansa and Nebraska - Bulletin of the Nebraska State Museum (3), 1-11 (journal article, English)
  • M. D. Bryant, 1945 - Phylogeny of Nearctic Sciuridae - American Midland Naturalist (33), 257-390 (journal article, English)
  • R. A. Stirton, 1942 - Fossil Vertebrates From the Superjacent Deposits Near Knights Ferry, California - University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences (26), 447-472 (journal article, English)
  • C. W. Hibbard, 1941 - New Mammals from the Rexroad Fauna, Upper Pliocene of Kansas - American Midland Naturalist (26), 337-368 (journal article, English)
  • C. W. Hibbard, 1941 - The Borchers fauna, a new Pleistocene interglacial fauna from Meade County, Kansas - State Geological Survey of Kansas Bulletin (38), 197-220 (journal article, English)
  • C. B. Schultz, 1935 - The fauna of Burnet Cave, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (87), 273-298 (journal article, English)
  • C. L. Gazin, 1932 - A Miocene Mammalian Fauna From South-Eastern Oregon - Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication (418), 37-86 (journal article, English)
  • W. H. Burt, 1931 - Machaerodus catocopis Cope from the Pliocene of Texas - University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences (20), 1-20 (journal article, English)
  • C. L. Gazin, 1930 - A Tertiary vertebrate fauna from the upper Cuyama drainage basin, California - Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication (404), 55-76 (journal article, English)
  • E. R. Hall, 1930 - Rodents and lagomorphs from the Barstow Beds of southern California - University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geological Sciences (19), 313-318 (journal article, English)
  • J. C. Merriam, 1925 - The Pliocene Rattlesnake Formation and fauna of eastern Oregon, with notes on the geology of the Rattlesnake and Mascall deposits - Carnegie Institution of Washington Publication (347), 43-92 (journal article, English)
  • J. W. Gidley, 1922 - Preliminary report on fossil vertebrates of the San Pedro Valley, Arizona, with descriptions of new species of Rodentia and Lagomorpha - Shorter contributions to general geology, 1922 (131), 119-131 (journal article, English)
  • O. P. Hay, 1921 - Descriptions of some Pleistocene vertebrates found in the United States - Proceedings of The United States National Museum (58), 83-146 (journal article, English)
  • O. P. Hay, 1921 - Descriptions of species of Pleistocene Vertebrata, types or specimens of most of which are preserved in the United States National Museum - Proceedings of the United States National Museum (59), 599-642 (journal article, English)
  • O. Thomas, 1920 - On Mammals from the Lower Amazons in the Goeldi Museum, Para - Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6), 266-283 (journal article, English)
  • J. C. Merriam, 1913 - Notes on the canid genus Tephrocyon - University of California Publications, Bulletin of the Department of Geology (7), 359-372 (journal article, )
  • O. Thomas, 1911 - The Mammals of the Tenth Edition of Linnaeus; an Attempt to fix the Types of the Genera and the exact Bases and Localities of the Species - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (81), 120-158 (journal article, English)
  • E. Douglass, 1903 - New vertebrates from the Montana Tertiary - Annals of Carnegie Museum (2), 145-199 (journal article, English)
  • W. D. Matthew, 1903 - The fauna of the Titanotherium Beds at Pipestone Springs, Montana - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (19), 197-226 (journal article, English)
  • W. Stone, 1902 - A collection of mammals from Sumatra, with a review of the genera Nycticebus and Tragulus - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (54), 127-142 (journal article, English)
  • E. Douglass, 1902 - Fossil Mammalia of the White River beds of Montana - Transactions of the American Philosophical Society (20), 237-279 (journal article, English)
  • O. P. Hay, 1902 - - Bibliography and Catalogue of the Fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological Survey (179), 1-868 (serial monograph, English)
  • C. Gaillard, 1899 - Mammifères miocènes nouveaux ou peu connus de la Grive-Saint-Alban (Isère). - Archives des Museum d'histoire Naturelle de Lyon (VII), 1-79 (journal article, French)
  • J. A. Allen, 1895 - On the names of mammals given by Kerr in his 'Animal kingdom,' published in 1792 - Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History (7), 179-192 (journal article, English)
  • E. D. Cope, 1881 - On the Nimravidae and Canidae of the Miocene Period - Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey (6), 165-181 (journal article, English)
  • E. D. Cope, 1879 - Second contribution to a knowledge of the Miocene fauna of Oregon - Paleontological Bulletin (31), 1-7 (journal article, English)
  • O. C. Marsh, 1871 - Notice of some new fossil mammals and birds from the Tertiary formation of the West - American Journal of Science (2), 120-127 (journal article, English)
  • J. J. Kaup, 1839 - Description d'Ossements Fossiles de Mammifères Inconnus Jusqu'à-Présent - (5), 91-119 (book, French)
  • F. Holl, 1829 - - Handbuch der Petrefactenkunde, mit einer Einleitung über die Vorwelt der organischen Wesen auf der Erde von Dr. Ludwig Choulant (1), 1-115 (serial monograph, German)
  • J. E. Gray, 1825 - An outline of an attempt at the disposition of Mammalia into Tribes and Families, with a list of genera apparently appertaining to each Tribe - Annals of Philosophy, new series (10), 337-344 (journal article, English)
  • J. E. Gray, 1821 - On the natural arrangement of vertebrose animals - The London Medical Repository Monthly Journal and Review (15), 296-310 (journal article, English)
  • C. Linnaeus, 1758 - - Systema Naturae per Regna Tria Naturae, Secundum Classes, Ordines, Genera, Species, cum Characteribus, Differentiis, Synonymis, Locis. Editio Decima (1), 1-824 (book, other)


GUSID (Globale ID als Kurzform) 0gsQ7RUxv0O0perybvtCaQ
GUID (Globale ID) ED100BD2-3115-43BF-B4A5-EAF26EFB4269
Datenbank ID 13976