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Lydekker, 1889
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Goette, 1899
Ref.: O. W. M. Kuhn. 1966. Die Reptilien. System und Stammesgeschichte The Reptiles. Systematics and Phylogeny.
Gray, 1825
Ref.: C. W. Andrews. 1906. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of Fayum, Egypt
Gray, 1825
Ref.: C. W. Andrews. 1906. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of Fayum, Egypt
Lydekker, 1889
Ref.: J. T. Thurmond and D. E. Jones. 1981. Fossil Vertebrates of Alabama
Lebenszeitraum in Million Jahren (Ma)
Startalter: 72.1 Ma - Endalter: 2.588 Ma
2.58 7.246 15.98 27.82 41.2 59.2 72.1
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aktiv mobil |
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aquatisch |
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marin |
Ernährungsweise: |
Hartschalen-Futter-Fressser (durophage), Fischfresser (piscivore)
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Referenzen von PBDB, Lizenz: CC BY
- M. E. Peters, 2019 - A Miocene leatherback turtle from the Westerschelde (The Netherlands) with possible cetacean bite marks: identification, taphonomy and cladistics - Cainozoic Research (19), 121-133 (journal article, English)
- E. A. Cadena, 2015 - Oldest known marine turtle? A new protostegid from the Lower Cretaceous of Colombia - PaleoBios (32), 1-42 (journal article, English)
- R. E. Weems, 2014 - Paleogene chelonians from Maryland and Virginia - PaleoBios (31), 1-32 (journal article, English)
- H.-V. Karl, 2010 - Eocene leatherback turtle material of the genus Egyptemys (Testudines: Dermochelyidae) from Denmark - Studia Geologica Salmanticensia (46), 55-63 (journal article, English)
- H.-V. Karl, 2007 - Maorichelys wiffeni n. gen. n. sp., a new sea turtle from the Eocene of New Zealand (Chelonii:Dermochelyidae) - Studia Geologica Salmanticensia (43), 11-24 (journal article, English)
- H.-V. Karl, 2007 - The fossil reptiles (Reptilia: Chelonii, Crocodylia) from the marine early Oligocene of the Weisselster Basin (Central Germany: Saxonia) - Studia Geologica Salamanticensia (43), 25-66 (journal article, English)
- S. C. Lynch, 2003 - The first report of hard-shelled sea turtles (Cheloniidae sensu lato) from theMiocene of California, including a new species (Euclastes hutchisoni) withunusually plesiomorphic characters - PaleoBios (23), 21-35 (journal article, English)
- J. J. Sepkoski, Jr., 2002 - A compendium of fossil marine animal genera - Bulletins of American Paleontology (363), 1-560 (serial monograph, English)
- A. O. Averianov, 2002 - Review of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sea turtles from the former USSR - Russian Journal of Herpetology (9), 137-154 (journal article, English)
- H. Tong, 1999 - A new dermochelyid turtle from the late Paleocene-early Eocene of Saudi Arabia - Comptes Rendu de l'Academie de Sciences, Paris: Sciences de la terre et de planetes (329), 913-919 (journal article, English)
- R. Hirayama, 1996 - Family Dermochelyidae (superfamily Chelonioidea) from the Upper Cretaceous of north Japan - Transactions and Proceedings of the Palaeontological Society of Japan. New series (184), 597-622 (journal article, English)
- R. C. Wood, 1996 - Evolution and Phylogeny of Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelyidae), with Descriptions of New Fossil Taxa - Chelonian Conservation and Biology (2), 266-286 (journal article, English)
- R. Köhler, 1995 - A new species of the fossil turtle Psephophorus (Order Testudines) from the Eocene of the South Island, New Zealand - Journal of The Royal Society of New Zealand (25), 371-3- (journal article, English)
- M. S. de la Fuente, 1995 - An Eocene leatherback turtle (Cryptodira; Dermochelyidae) from Seymour Island, Antarctica - Studia Geologica Salmanticensia (31), 21-34 (journal article, English)
- R. E. Weems, 1988 - Paleocene turtles from the Aquia and Brightseat Formations, with a discussion of their bearing on sea turtle evolution and phylogeny - Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington (101), 109-145 (journal article, English)
- R. L. Carroll, 1988 - - Vertebrate Paleontology and Evolution (), 1-698 (compendium, English)
- L. B. Halstead, 1984 - The first whale (Anglocetus beatsoni) is a turtle - Tertiary Research (6), 1-4 (journal article, )
- O. W. M. Kuhn, 1966 - - Die Reptilien. System und Stammesgeschichte [The Reptiles. Systematics and Phylogeny.] (), 1-154 (book, German)
- L. B. H. Tarlo, 1963 - A primitive whale from the London Clay of the Isle of Sheppey - Proceedings of the Geologists' Association (74), 319-323 (journal article, )
- E. Nielsen, 1959 - Eocene Turtles from Denmark - Medd fra Dansk Geol Forening Kobenhavn (14), 96-115 (journal article, English)
- E. L. Packard, 1940 - A new turtle from the marine Miocene of Oregon - Oregon State Monographs Studies in Geology (2), 1-11 (serial monograph, English)
- C. W. Gilmore, 1937 - A new marine turtle from the Miocene of California - Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (23), 171-174 (journal article, English)
- C. W. Andrews, 1920 - A description of new species of zeuglodont and of leathery turtle from the Eocene of Southern Nigeria - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London (1919), 309-319 (journal article, English)
- W. Palmer, 1909 - Description of a New Species of Leatherback Turtle from the Miocene of Maryland - Proceedings of the United States National Museum (36), 369-373 (journal article, English)
- C. W. Andrews, 1906 - - A Descriptive Catalogue of the Tertiary Vertebrata of Fayum, Egypt (), 1-324 (book, English)
- C. W. Andrews, 1901 - Preliminary Note on some recently discovered extinct vertebrates from Egypt - Geological Magazine (8), 436-444 (journal article, English)
- R. Lydekker, 1889 - On remains of Eocene and Mesozoic Chelonia and a tooth of (?) Ornithopsis - Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London (45), 227-246 (journal article, English)
- E. D. Cope, 1875 - Check-list of North American Batrachia and Reptilia; with a systematic list of the higher groups, and an essay on geographical distribution. Based on the specimens contained in the U. S. National Museum - Bulletin of the United States National Museum (1), 1-109 (journal article, English)
- E. D. Cope, 1872 - List of the Reptilia of the Eocene formation of New Jersey - Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (24), 14-18 (journal article, English)